HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules Revisited

HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules Revisited

31 October 2014

Chinese, Simplified

The 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration 50 Questions & Answers – Now Available

The 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration 50 Questions & Answers – Now Available

17 November 2014

Chinese, Simplified

International Arbitration in East Asia

In collaboration with the Taiwan Bar Association, HKIAC will present a half-day workshop to walk you through some of the most common issues in relation to arbitration in East Asia. We will be joined by a team of international and local dispute resolution experts who will tool you up with the necessary skills and techniques to manage arbitrations, emergency arbitrator procedures, and enforcement proceedings in East Asia.

Chinese, Simplified

The Role of Med-Arb in Dispute Resolution

Please click into this event to view more the seminar details.

Chinese, Simplified






Hong Kong - common AND civil? Have your cake and eat it too!

What are the differences between civil and common law? How do they impact arbitration proceedings? Why is Hong Kong a predestined seat for parties from civil law and common law backgrounds alike?

Chinese, Simplified

The Arts and Science of Negotiation & Mediation

This CPD talk will be a heartfelt sharing of Ms Chih's experience in negotiation/mediation. It is suitable for all legal practitioners, mediators, businessmen, executives/administrators who have to engage in business or legal negotiation/mediation to attend.

Chinese, Simplified

General Counsel Summit Asia

The first edition of General Counsel Summit Asia taking place in Singapore on 5-6 October 2015 is the DEFINITIVE corporate legal platform in Asia.

Chinese, Simplified

Party Representation: The Emergence of Codes of Conduct and Ethics in International Arbitration

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in how parties and counsel conduct themselves in international arbitration. Powerful voices have warned that if the arbitration community does not effectively regulate itself then regulation will be imposed. Responses to this challenge have included explicit provisions in the LCIA Arbitration Rules, guidelines promulgated by the International Bar Association, proposals for a global ethics tribunal, admonitions to behave more responsibly—and vocal opposition to doing anything at all.

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Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Asia

C5’s unrivalled reputation in Civil Fraud events, Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovery Asia will bring together the leading lawyers, regulatory experts and forensic accountants for this networking and learning event.

10% discount to The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre members when you use booking code “HKIAC10”

Chinese, Simplified
