Cyber-security - Managing the Risks in the Fast-changing Internet

The seminar will serve as a forum for our prominent speakers who are policy makers, legal practitioners and technical experts to exchange their views on salient legal and policy issues pertaining to cyber-security.

Chinese, Simplified

International Arbitration and Economic Sanctions

This event provides an open forum for the sharing of experience/practices amongst experienced arbitrators and counsel (both external and in-house) in relation to International Arbitration and economic sanctions. Representative of the public sector will attend as well which will make this event unique. There shall be no publication of the conference proceedings and Chatham House Rules will apply.

Chinese, Simplified

The Solution of Internet Litigation

Over the course of 21st century, the Internet continues to expand into daily lives of millions people. The threshold legal question of Internet litigation is being brought out by the investors. We will explain the development and the nature of Intellectual property protection, particularly in China, and analyzes the solution.

Chinese, Simplified

The Straw that Stirs the Drink - Governing Law in International Commercial Arbitration

The presentation will address some of the practical issues in choosing between English law and New York law – told from the perspective of a lawyer/advocate who has practiced in both systems – as well as some other frequently-used candidates for governing law.

This event is now FULL HOUSE. If you are interested in joining, please email We will send a confirmation email should spaces become available.

Chinese, Simplified

为您的仲裁评分 – HKIAC推出仲裁评估系统

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为您的仲裁评分 – HKIAC推出仲裁评估系统



Chinese, Simplified

Singapore International Arbitration Academy 2015 (SIAA 2015)

Jointly organised by the National University of Singapore’s Centre for International Law (CIL) and the Faculty of Law, the 2015 Singapore International Arbitration Academy will bring together some of the world’s leading experts in international arbitration for an 11-day programme designed specifically for government officials, private practitioners and legal academics.

Chinese, Simplified

Changing Global Markets Forum - Opportunity & Risk in Latin America

The panelists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico will provide an overview of the key trends and areas for foreign trade and investment in Latin America, discuss practical ways to protect foreign investments and trade arrangements, highlight common obstacles for foreign parties, and address how best to manage risk and avoid disputes.

Chinese, Simplified

HKIB Banking Conference 2015: Reshaping Banking For The New Normal

With the theme "Reshaping Banking For the New Normal", this year’s HKIB Annual Banking Conference will look at how banks can prepare for these challenges and find a new formula to obtain sustainable, resilient growth. With a main plenary session in the morning and specialized streams in the afternoon, the event is specifically tailored for mid-senior level banking professionals looking for macro views and actionable takeaways. This flagship event will attract over 600 delegates including bankers from Mainland China and Macau.

Chinese, Simplified

Practice Note on the Challenge of an Arbitrator 2014

Practice Note on the Challenge of an Arbitrator 2014

31 October 2014

Chinese, Simplified

Mediate First, Mediate in Hong Kong

HKMC is jointly organizing a One-Day Mediation Conference “Mediate First, Mediate in Hong Kong” with Joint Mediation Helpline Office and Shanghai Commercial Mediation Centre on 27 November, 2014 from 9:00-17:15 at the Owners Box 3/F Member Stand I Happy Valley Racecourse. Speakers from different sectors in Hong Kong including legal, construction and commercial, and experts from Shanghai & Qianhai, China will share their views on the beauty and the beast of mediation in Hong Kong as a means to resolve business disputes between Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Chinese, Simplified
