

HKIAC and HK45 Webinar Series 

Date Title


8 April 2020 
22 April 2020
29 April 2020
6 May 2020
8 May 2020
13 May 2020
15 May 2020
27 May 2020
8 June 2020
10 June 2020
17 June 2020
26 June 2020
HK45 Annual Update (English) 
8 July 2020
14 July 2020
15 July 2020
30 July 2020
17 August 2020
26 August 2020중국의 일대일로 이니셔티브에서 한국기업들의 역할과 기회: HKIAC의 분석 (The Belt and Road Initiative as Relevant to Korean Companies: HKIAC Insights) (Korean)WATCH NOW
31 August 2020Challenging a domain name, HKIAC Insights part two: A domain name holder’s “rights or legitimate interests” (English)WATCH NOW
9 September 2020HKIAC의 효율적인 건설 중재 및 합의 도출 전략 (HKIAC’s Measures for an Efficient Construction Arbitration – and Paving the Road to Settlement) (Korean)WATCH NOW
14 September 2020Challenging a domain name, HKIAC Insights part three: Acting in “bad faith” (English)WATCH NOW
23 September 2020게임산업 및 IP 분쟁 (New to the Game: Arbitrating Gaming and IP Disputes) (Korean)WATCH NOW
5 November 2020Expert Insights on Key Concerns of a Virtual Hearing (English)WATCH NOW
15 December 2020HK45: Careers in investment arbitration: Perspectives from East to West (English)WATCH NOW
10 February 2021HK45: Managing disputes with States or State-Owned Enterprises along the Belt and Road through Asia and Europe (English)WATCH NOW
19 February 2021HKIAC-4 Pump Court Webinar: Halliburton: problem solved – or problems created? (English)WATCH NOW
23 February 2021HK45: The Rising Arbitrator’s Challenge: Navigating the Promise and Perils of Your First Appointments (English)WATCH NOW
3 March 2021HKIAC-HKTDC ASEAN Webinar: Capture the Latest Greater Bay Area Opportunities with Hong Kong as Your Arbitration Hub (English)WATCH NOW
3 March 2021The Two E’s: The Efficiency and Effectiveness of International Arbitration with HKIAC (English)WATCH NOW
9 March 2021HKIAC-MIAC Webinar: Recent developments in Asia - Spain - LatAm dispute resolution (English)WATCH NOW
24 March 2021New 주요 관할국가의 지체상금, 보증 및 보증채무이행청구에 대한 해석 및 이해: 중동, 홍콩, 영국 및 한국 (Interpretation and understanding of Liquidated Damages, Guarantees, and Bond Calling in Key Jurisdictions: Middle East, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, and Korea) (Korean)WATCH NOW
31 March 2021New "Crossing" the linguistic divide: Advocacy and cross-examination in English for non-native speakers - a perspective from an international arbitrator (English)WATCH NOW
14 April 2021New Role of Experts and How to Manage Expert Witnesses (English)WATCH NOW

HKIAC Lecture Series 

1 March 2019
Inaugural HKIAC Annual Lecture:  "In Search of Efficiency:  When West Meets East" by Prof. Dr. Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler
14 October 2020The 25th Goff Arbitration Lecture: Arbitrator “Temperance”: David Caron’s Rule of X by Ms Lucy ReedWATCH NOW
9 November 2020The Virtual Kaplan Lecture 2020: Omnipotence Fantasies by Mr Jan PaulssonWATCH NOW

HKIAC and HK45 Interview Series

22 May 2020
HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Sue Prevezer QC
12 June 2020
HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Liz Chung
19 June 2020
HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Domitille Baizeau
3 July 2020
HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Winnie Tam SC, JP
13 July 2020
Sarah Grimmer in conversation with David W. Rivkin
17 July 2020
HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with The Hon. Susan Crennan AC QC
22 July 2020
Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Rimsky Yuen GBM, SC, JP
31 July 2020
HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Meg Kinnear 
24 August 2020
Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Nils Eliasson
26 August 2020
Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Joseph Wan
26 August 2020
Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Briana Young
3 September 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Ing Loong YangWATCH NOW
8 September 2020
Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Jun Hee Kim
10 September 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Promod NairWATCH NOW
17 September 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Anthony Houghton SCWATCH NOW
17 September 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with John CockWATCH NOW
21 September 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with José-Antonio Maurellet SCWATCH NOW
24 September 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Robert Tang GBM, SBS, QC, SC, JPWATCH NOW
30 September 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Karl HennesseeWATCH NOW
5 October 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Domitille BaizeauWATCH NOW
6 October 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Meg UtterbackWATCH NOW
13 October 2020Sarah Grimmer in conversation with Anton AsoskovWATCH NOW
4 December 2020New HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Claudia BenavidesWATCH NOW
18 December 2020New HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Catherine MunWATCH NOW
15 January 2021New HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Natalie ReidWATCH NOW
29 January 2021New HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Sapna Jhangiani QCWATCH NOW
5 February 2021New HK45 Virtual Fireside Chat with Yas BanifatemiWATCH NOW

