Casablanca Arbitration Days

The IBA Arbitration Committee, together with the Casablanca International Mediation and Arbitration Centre (CIMAC), the ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC), the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), the London Court of International Arbitration (ICLA) and Wolters Kluwer, are supporting this event to provide an opportunity for prominent lawyers and decision-makers to discuss the future of Casablanca as a place for arbitration in Africa, and to increase knowledge and discuss issues of shared interest in an open environment.

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The Rule of Law in the context of International Arbitration - A Judge’s Perspective

The rule of law and judicial independence have been the foundation for Hong Kong’s success as one of the leading seats of arbitration in the world. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, Hong Kong was ranked the fourth of 148 jurisdictions worldwide and the first in Asia for judicial independence. HKIAC is privileged to have Lord Hoffmann share his views on the interplay between the rule of law, judicial independence and arbitration in Hong Kong.

Chinese, Simplified

Business of IP Asia Forum 2014

Jointly organised by the Government of the HKSAR, HKTDC and Hong Kong Design Centre, the 4th Edition of Business of Intellectual Property Asia Forum (BIP Asia) is returning on 4-5 December 2014 with the exciting theme: “Intellectual Property: Powering Business Expansion”.

Chinese, Simplified

Final Review of International Arbitration 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, HKIAC and LCIA invite you to look back upon the year and review important developments in the arbitration community which are sure to impact our practice in 2015. Further, we invite some of Korea's top arbitration mentors to dispense valuable advice to young arbitration practitioners on how to advance one's career in the increasingly complex and competitive world of international arbitration.

Chinese, Simplified

Online Brand Protection: Tips on New gTLDs Dispute Resolution

Since the launch of the New gTLD programme by ICANN in 2013, more than 450 New gTLDs have been delegated and introduced to the Internet. How to resolve domain name disputes concerning the rolling out New gTLDs becomes a hot topic in the domain name arena.
Chinese, Simplified

Asian Financial Forum 2015: “Asia: Sustainable Development in a World of Change”

The annual AFF brings together some of the most influential members of the global financial and business communities to discuss developments and trends in the dynamic markets of Asia and beyond. The seventh edition held in January 2014 featured more than 100 distinguished speakers and over 2,400 participants from 41 countries and regions.

Chinese, Simplified

Tools for Managing Arbitral Proceedings

Join Ms. Stackpool Moore, Managing Counsel of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) as she discusses innovative developments at HKIAC, one of the most well established and long standing institutions in the region, taking a closer look at how HKIAC is evolving to meet the increased demand for arbitration in Asia and best cater for the needs of its users. 

Chinese, Simplified

How Parenting Coordinator Helps Reduce Post-Divorced Parents Conflicts?

This talk is focused on handling of the co-parenting disputes issue relating to mediation cases and “tips”.

Chinese, Simplified

4th Annual LegalEra Conclave & Indian Legal Awards 2015

Theme: "Changing the business-legal landscape for 'MAKE IN INDIA' to succeed"

Conference Ideation focuses on How Pro Business laws can make invest in India - A Thumping Reality. Defining Business Regulations for economic growth.

Snapshots of discussions and debate are on E- commerce, Manufacturing, Aviation, Infrastructure, Energy, and Challenges for International Companies, Cross Border Practices and M&A.

Chinese, Simplified

Say Yes to Success! - How to Become a Sensational Secretary

Recognised for the innovative introduction of its tribunal secretary services and guidelines at the 2014 GAR Awards, HKIAC would like to invite you to join us for an interactive programme answering all your questions on how to know, meet and exceed your arbitrators' expectations when acting as tribunal secretary.

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