Policy, Rules & Supplemental Rules | Fees Schedule | Download Forms


Policy, Rules & Supplemental Rules

         (Flow Chart of Proceedings | FAQ)


Schedule Fees (Hong Kong Dollars)

  1. The applicable fees for each domain name arbitration procedure are as follows:


Panelist Fees
HKIAC Administrative Fees
Total Fees
Single-Member Panel5,0005,00010,000
Three-Member Panel15,0005,00020,000


2. Fees to be paid to the HKIAC in accordance with these HKIAC Supplemental Rules shall be paid free of any bank charges, transfer fees, or any withholdings in Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) only by cheque, draft, or telegraphic transfer.  Cheques and draft are to be made payable to the "Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre".  Telegraphic transfers shall be made as follows:

Account Name: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
Bank Code: 004
Account Number: 567 190897 001
Bank: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Address: 1, Queens Road, Central, Hong Kong


The Complainant shall be responsible for paying all the fees, unless the Respondent has chosen to have the Complaint decided by three (3) Panelists whereas the Complainant has chosen to have the Complaint decided by one (1) Panelist.

  1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, additional fees may be required in the circumstance described in Paragraph 18(d) of the Rules of Procedure.
  1. The fees to be paid to the HKIAC do not include any payments, which a Party may or may not have to pay to a lawyer or representative representing such party. Such fees are purely a matter for each party.


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Case Filing

The Complaint shall be submitted in electronic form in accordance with the Rules to the HKIAC via .

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