Guide to the HKIAC Arbitration Rules Released


首頁節點Guide to the HKIAC Arbitration Rules Released


The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) is pleased to announce the publication of A Guide to the HKIAC Arbitration Rules (the “Guide”) – a commentary to the 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules (the “Rules”) authored by Michael Moser (Honorary Past Chairman of HKIAC) and Chiann Bao (former Secretary-General of HKIAC) and published by Oxford University Press. 

With significant contributions from the HKIAC Secretariat, the Guide provides an article-by-article commentary on how the Rules are interpreted and applied by HKIAC. It is the only full exposition on the operation of the Rules and HKIAC’s practice on the market. 

The importance of the Guide is recognised by The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma GBM of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, who wrote in the foreword to the book: “The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre is the institution coordinating the provision of arbitration (as well as other forms of dispute resolution) services in Hong Kong. It is essential that those involved in any way in arbitration in Hong Kong possess an intimate familiarity with the HKIAC Arbitration Rules”.  

Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS, Honorary Chairperson of HKIAC, comments: “Both authors have unrivalled experience in the drafting and operation of the 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules. The book is a useful companion to these Rules and a must-have for anyone seeking first-hand information on the practices of the HKIAC standing committees and the Secretariat.”

Sarah Grimmer, Secretary-General of HKIAC, says that, “the Guide is an incredibly useful contribution from the authors.  It is the culmination of almost five years’ worth of institutional experience under the Rules, which when promulgated, were ground-breaking in several key ways.”

The Guide comprises 12 chapters and appendices that provide an overview of Hong Kong and HKIAC as a leading venue and institution for international dispute resolution, followed by an article-by-article commentary on the Rules.  It covers all stages of an HKIAC arbitration, from the commencement of the arbitration to the issuance of the final award. The Guide also includes a collection of the various practice notes, guidelines, model clauses and statistics which have been issued by HKIAC up to November 2016.  

The Guide can be purchased online here. A book launch will take place at HKIAC at 5:30pm on 11 May 2017. For more details of the event, please click here. To RSVP, please email with your name, title and organisation.

Media Contact
Kirti Ladharam
Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
Tel: (852) 2525 2381
Fax: (852) 2524 2171

