HKIAC Arbitration Clause Negotiation Workshop Honing the Art of Negotiation

HomeEventsHKIAC Arbitration Clause Negotiation Workshop Honing the Art of Negotiation
12 Dec 2018

You are an in-house counsel, a contract manager, a transactional or dispute resolution lawyer. You have received a call from your management team or client at 6:30pm asking you to finalise an arbitration agreement within a few hours before the deal is sealed. How do you secure the best possible arbitration agreement for your company or client, while bearing the business objectives in mind and making sure that the corporate policy is followed? What are the key drafting points you need to consider and what part of the arbitration agreement may be traded against other terms of the contract?

For anyone who has faced these questions, we welcome you to our workshop. The workshop will feature a real-time negotiation over arbitration clauses to be included in agreements for cross-border transaction involving Chinese and Indonesian parties. With the establishment of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, such questions are increasingly relevant for professionals in Indonesia.

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