Case Connect

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HKIAC Case Connect

HKIAC Case Connect is an online case management platform developed for the convenience and security of parties and tribunals. It is available for all ongoing and prospective arbitrations administered by HKIAC or in which HKIAC provides ongoing administrative support (for example, fundholding services). 

Key Functions

HKIAC Case Connect facilitates case management in several ways.

It serves as a repository to which all documents may be uploaded, including, for example, the applicable arbitration rules, the parties’ written pleadings, and the tribunals’ orders. Users receive notifications when files have been uploaded. The contact information of all participants in an arbitration are centrally recorded.

Parties and tribunals can communicate within HKIAC Case Connect, obviating the need for external email communication, or use it in conjunction with email communication.

Users can track deadlines and dates on a case-specific calendar, which can be easily linked to Outlook. The progress of an arbitration can be traced with all activity in a case recorded centrally.

Security and Reliability

HKIAC Case Connect is a secure and reliable platform powered by Thomson Reuters’ HighQ system. It offers banking-grade encryption, 99% uptime, and around-the-clock server monitoring.

Contact Us

HKIAC assists parties and tribunals in setting up their arbitrations on HKIAC Case Connect and provide training on its use. Please contact your HKIAC Case Manager or email for more details.

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